Section: Software


Participants : Mohamed Ali Kaafar [correspondant] , Claude Castelluccia.

EphPub (Ephemeral Publishing) (previously called EphCom) implements a novel key storage mechanism for time-bounded content, that relies on the caching mechanism of the Domain Name System (DNS). Features of EphPub include: EphPub exploits the fact that DNS servers temporarily cache the response to a recursive DNS query for potential further requests. EphPub provides higher security than Vanish, as it is immune to Sybil attacks. EphPub is easily deployable and does not require any additional infrastructure, such as Distributed Hash Tables. EphPub comes with high usability as it does not require users to install and execute any extra additional software. EphPub lets users define data lifetime with high granularity. We provide EphPub as an Android Application to provide ephemeral exchanged SMS, emails, etc. and as a Firefox or Thunderbird extensions so as to support ephemeral publication of any online document.

For more details about the different software products, see http://planete.inrialpes.fr/projects/ephemeral-publication/ .

  • Version: v0.1.2-beta

  • ACM: K.4.1

  • AMS: 94Axx

  • Keywords: Ephemeral communications, Right to Forget, Future Internet Architecture, Privacy

  • Software benefit: We provide a Firefox Extension that easily allows users to manage disappearing emails. We also provide a command-line tool to manage disappearing files.

  • APP: Under APP deposit internal process

  • License: GPL

  • Type of human computer interaction: Firefox extension + Unix Console

  • OS/Middelware: Firefox under any OS

  • Required library or software: Python Ext

  • Programming language: Python

  • Documentation: No detailed documentation has been released so far. A detailed howto can be consulted however at: http://code.google.com/p/disappearingdata/source/browse/wiki/EphCOM_Firefox_Extension.wiki?r=77